Happy Thanksgiving

We are thankful for so many things this fall. The incredible efforts of our volunteers to make the DO MORE campaign real and to build the new barn. The incredible generosity of the donors whose funds made the purchase of materials possible. Those who came out for the open house to support us. The Richmond Mounted Police who donated their time to give our students encouragement and hope. The students who come every week and bring us joy. The horses who are so patient with us. We could go on endlessly.

Recently we have come across the “Thanksgiving Address” through reading the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. “Beginning with where our feet first touch the earth, we send greetings and thanks to all members of the natural world.” It reminds us of the abundance and beauty of it all. Something we experience every day here at Labyrinth, but find no words to encompass. If it hasn’t crossed your path yet, you can find an excerpt here. Happy Thanksgiving.


Changing Seasons