Spa Day

Have you always been drawn to horses?
Have you always wanted a horse, but life didn’t allow for it?
Would you like the opportunity to learn about and care for horses while providing a critical service to Labyrinth Training Center?

Beautifully coined by one of our volunteers, “Spa Day” holds a special place at Labyrinth Training Center. The horses will line up at the gate to be selected first for the individual care, attention, grooming, and exercise in the round pen. All our horses, but especially our most senior, benefit from and enjoy the one-on-one attention. The volunteers, in turn, learn horsemanship skills and enjoy the connection with the horses all while providing a much-needed service. No prior experience required, just a passion for equines! We limit each Spa Day to one volunteer to maximize the quality of the time spent with the horses.

Spa Day is a connection I cherish and look forward to weekly. Working with the horses just melts my worries away. What will your volunteer story be?
— Sheri
Labyrinth Training Center community nonprofit organization working with rescued horse | silhouette of horse in field at dusk.

Does this program sound like just the opportunity you were looking for?

Please contact us.