
LTC offers and facilitates one or two clinics a year for those who have adopted rescue horses and seek further education regarding their care, training, and well-being. Rescued horses have often suffered trauma, such as abuse or neglect.  While training even the most well-adjusted horses can be challenging, the training of rescued horses can present additional unique challenges.  The proper training of a horse realistically takes a year or more.  LTC seeks to support rescued horse owners and the individuals they have adopted by providing low (or no cost) education and the tools to do the ongoing training themselves. By way of comparison, hiring a trainer in our area currently costs $1,000.00 per month. This expense is often cost-prohibitive for rescued horse owners. By providing low (or no cost) clinics, LTC seeks to improve the quality of life for owners and their adopted horses and provide access to the means to achieve successful and meaningful partnerships.  

Do you want to participate in, observe, or volunteer for a clinic in the future?

Please contact us.

Labyrinth Training Center round logo with horse and maze.