Donate Now

Your support means so much and every little bit helps!

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If you have navigated your way to this page, please know that we are profoundly grateful. Every donation, no matter its size, matters to us and the horses.

Please know that all of our Board of Directors and Officers find the mission important enough to volunteer their time and they do not receive a salary or any other compensation. Indeed, thanks to their generosity and the generosity of volunteers and other certain donors, every dollar donated through this page goes directly to featured fundraisers, to programming, or to the horses.

If you are donating to our featured fundraiser, thank you for helping us reach our goal!

For general contributions, your donations make the following possible:

  • $10 purchases the ribbons for the end-of-week Summer Camp showcase for parents and friends;

  • $15 purchases art supplies and snacks for a camper for a week;

  • $30/month feeds and provides nutritional supplements (minerals and salts) for a Foster Program horse;

  • $45 purchases a helmet for a camper to receive on the first day of camp and keep;

  • $50 purchases a pair of boots for a camper to receive on the first day of camp and keep;

  • $55 provides a hoof trimming for a Foster Program horse, which is needed every 5 weeks;

  • $100 provides properly fitted equipment for a Foster Program horse upon arrival; and

  • $350 sponsors a rescued horse and their owner during a weekend-long training clinic.

Please note that LTC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and, accordingly, your donation will qualify as a deductible charitable contribution to the extent the law provides.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we are able to do so much more than we could on our own!



Are you interested in monthly donations? If you really believe in the mission and would like to support LTC on a monthly recurring basis, please use the PayPal link below. Monthly recurring donations are convenient for you and allows LTC to rely on a consistent budget to maximize programming. Thank you in advance!