Great news!

Yesterday was a big day for the lil’ miss - both the vet and farrier came out to assess her condition and determine the best path forward. A huge thank you to Jason Usry of Peaks View Forge for his continued support and donation of his farrier services to get us moving in the right direction.

The vet report was as good as we could have hoped, no apparent underlying condition - she just has “groceryietis” and needs more groceries. We are on a re-feeding schedule of every 2 hours for the foreseeable future. Re-feeding is a dance of getting in the calories without overloading a compromised system and causing potentially fatal complications. Heart of Phoenix Horse Rescue has an incredible education page (if you do not follow it!) and has put their experience and knowledge about re-feeding in this post. A huge thank you to them as well for putting out quality informative experience-based expertise for the rest of us to learn from. It truly takes a village.



