We want to raise awareness about Jaina in hopes of finding that super special person that has no desire to ride her, but wants to give her a loving, forever home as a companion horse.

Photo series by Amanda Rae Linas—Beloved Pet & Equine Photography

What does “adoptable companion horse” even mean?

  • Can she enjoy human contact such that she does not live in a state of constant stress?

  • Can she learn to safely accept basic care by the average provider?

- Grooming

- Routine care

- Farrier care

- Veterinarian care

At this time, the answer to all these questions is, “No.” As of now, the outcome is uncertain. Indeed, the kindest thing in the end after all avenues have been exhausted may be to let her spirit go free.

Why do we have hope?

  • She has already come so far from being an aggressive, angry feral horse to walking up to trusted humans in the pasture; and

  • because she loves to dance!

Our goal for Project Jaina

To raise $5,000 as soon as possible so we can bring in three specialized trainers for Jaina to help with her progression in order to assess if she can become an adoptable companion horse in 2024. Help us reach our goal!