The planet earth.

The planet keeps on twirling. While we still try to peel away the sadness at the loss of Kali, we welcomed this guy, Little (ole) Red in our midst. His story is long and tortured, but in short, he was rescued from a meat truck in Texas by a Good Samaritan and he found himself in Virginia. He is sweet, a little shy, obviously been around, and has a nice foot-long gash that has healed over near his groin (t-post? cow horn?). And the question was, would he get lucky? Would someone give him another chance now that his history had been erased by miles of pavement? A really long story short, YES!

He is rideable, sound, healthy, sweet as pie, willing, and honest. He has already found his forever home with a wonderful woman from Richmond. We will continue putting on some bells and whistles for a bit, but this little guy is a rock star! We are sooooo happy for him, his new owner, and all our volunteers working to bring him back slowly.

It is not lost on us that the very day he found his new forever home, the Founder of Days End Farm Horse Rescue, Kathy Howe, passed away. She leaves a legacy not only in the footprint of the physical organization that continues to do incredible work, but in all of us who were inspired by her. It started, for her, and for many of us with one horse. What we all do as individuals in response is up to us.


Beyond the Saddle Clinic

